Diana DeAugustine Bio
Diana DeAugustine lives and works in San Diego, California. She received her BA (Visual Arts Studio) from the University of California, San Diego (2004) and her MFA from California Institute of the Arts, Valencia (2010). Diana’s art practice is heavily influenced by concepts of anthropology: our ability to make meaning and attach significance to ordinary spaces. Her paintings create a narrative through a panoramic display that studies a place associated with the existence of memories and events. The work merges bodies with space, exploring the definition of place: a part of space that obtains identity through its elements and has value.
Selected group shows include Box Scheme, POV Gallery in Los Angeles and Permissions, Highways Performance Space in Los Angeles. Diana has taken part in multiple solo and group shows locally. She has been tattooing professionally since for 2006. In April of 2021 she sold her successful tattoo shop, Diego Tattoo Gallery, established 2012. Currently, Diana tattoos at Buju Tattoo in Mission Hills, San Diego (